Royal Flush Poker League April 19, 2016 Just learned of the passing of one of our league's most successful and loyal players, Harlean Snead. Harlean won a head's up championship title and showed no fear at the poker table.
(redirected from Royal Straight Flush)Acronym | Definition |
RSF | RSF (Rudolph Steiner Foundation) Social Finance |
RSF | Reporters Sans Frontières (French: Reporters Without Borders) |
RSF | Reporteros Sin Fronteras (Spanish: Reporters Without Borders) |
RSF | Russell Sage Foundation |
RSF | Rancho Santa Fe (California) |
RSF | rentable square feet |
RSF | Residential Single Family (real estate) |
RSF | Refined Sugar Free |
RSF | Republican Sinn Fein |
RSF | Required Stable Funding (finance; Basel III) |
RSF | Remote Storage Facility |
RSF | Rating System File |
RSF | Relative Sensitivity Factor |
RSF | Religious Society of Friends (Quakerism) |
RSF | Right Said Fred (British band) |
RSF | Relative Size Factor (error detecting test; auditing) |
RSF | Rate Stabilization Fund |
RSF | Roadway Safety Foundation |
RSF | Recreational Sports Facility |
RSF | Rudolf Steiner Foundation |
RSF | Resource Selection Function (ecology) |
RSF | Rough Stuff Fellowship (UK; est. 1955) |
RSF | Royal Scots Fusiliers (Regiment of the British Army) |
RSF | Rich Sequence Format (file type) |
RSF | Reasonable Server Faces (Java open source web programming framework) |
RSF | Royal Straight Flush (poker) |
RSF | Rivista di Studi Fenici (Italian: Journal of Phoenician Studies) |
RSF | Recognized Service Facility (aircraft maintenance) |
RSF | Resposta Sem Franquia |
RSF | Revue de la Stabilité Financière (French: Journal of Financial Stability) |
RSF | Robert Schalkenbach Foundation (New York, NY) |
RSF | Radio sans Frontière (French: Radio without Borders; radio station) |
RSF | Répertoire de la Science Fiction (French science fiction blog) |
RSF | Remote Sensing Facility |
RSF | RuneScape Forums (gaming) |
RSF | Rental Square Feet (architecture and real estate) |
RSF | Referee Stopped Fight (boxing) |
RSF | Random Space Function |
RSF | Redneck Special Forces (humor) |
RSF | Retail Stock Fund |
RSF | Reduced Saturated Fat |
RSF | Richmond Shakespeare Festival (Richmond, VA) |
RSF | Requisition Status File |
RSF | Retail Square Feet |
RSF | Resilient Sheet Flooring |
RSF | Residential Standards Forum |
RSF | Renewable Solid Fuel |
RSF | Red Strike Force (gaming clan) |
RSF | Review and Sign-off Form |
RSF | Radioactive-Power Systems Facility |
RSF | Recherche Scientifique Francilienne (French: Francilienne Scientific Research) |
RSF | Remote Site Facilities |
RSF | Radical Skin Factor (dermatology) |
RSF | Resort Service Fee |
RSF | Réseaux Satellites de France (French: Satellite Networks in France) |
3 Card Poker Royal Flush
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